The Light of Marnie is a philanthropic organization that funds humanitarian programs in the United States and abroad.
Our grants are funded from an endowment from the Lafferty family and contributions from donors, businesses and other non-profit organizations.
The Light of Marnie is a public charity located in Thorndale, Pennsylvania (U.S.A.). It was founded by Jennifer and John Lafferty and is named after Jennifer's mother who was a guiding influence in their family's lives.

After School USA
By offering grants to non-profit organizations, the Light of Marnie reaches struggling communities in America with immigrant and under privileged children. We believe that all children are entitled to an education that is rich in knowledge, social interaction, and one that enhances cognitive development. After school programs bridge the opportunity gap by creating transformational learning opportunities to empower youth to realize their full potential. This dynamic program allows immigrant children to transition into US schools both academically and socially.

Refugee Housing in Delaware County, PA
The Light of Marnie have been blessed with housing in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, where they need various contstruction improvements. This is where they can provide safe living conditions for women and children escaping the terrors of war in Ukraine. Every dollar raised will go to create a safe living home, which is desperately needed for these people leaving their home country at no fault of their own.

West African Clean Water
We also support opportunities to fund community projects for schools, utility infrastructure and medical care. Clean Water in West Africa is one of them. Increased access to safe water and sanitation in rural households in West Africa is paramount. Clean water and sanitation can prove incredibly complex, thwarted by climate, culture, and politics. Bringing clean water and sanitation to these regions are not new in the world of community development. Our goal is to foster and support new collaborations that will create the necessary funding and support for basic health through clean water. Every new water well tapped brings clean, potable water to a least 5,000 people of a typical village.